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Gmina Baborów Herb Gmina Baborów

History of Jaroniów ANG

The first mention of Jarońów (Jernow), located on the right bank of the Psina River, comes from 1308. The later name from 1448 was (Jarnawa, Jarohnev, Jarowniów), and in 1452 Janow, which means Jarogniew. The name of the settlement refers to the name of the founder, Jarogniew. From the beginning of its existence, the village was the property of the Order of St. John of Grobniki. The inhabitants were obliged to work serfdom in the property in Grobnik, as there was no farm in Jarońów.
In terms of church affiliation, the Jarońów population belonged to the nearby Baborów parish, to which one main bridge and 6 smaller crossings - footbridges led across the Psina River. From the current side of ul. Opawska, there was one more bridge located over the local backwaters, which served as a bathing and washing area for the inhabitants of Baborowo and Jaroniów.
In the 1790s, the parishioners of Jaroniów paid the Baborów parish priests a tithe of 15 half a roll of wheat and 14 oats. In 1836, the villagers switched from serfdom to rent, thanks to which their farms could develop more freely.
In 1723, the village administrator, 24 peasants and 33 homeworkers lived in Jaroniów. The total arable land was 696 ha. The number of inhabitants of the village was as follows: 1783 - 468 people; 1850 - 629 people; 1890 - 1,020 people, 1910 - 1,115 people, 1925 - 1,153 people.
The inhabitants of Jaroniów used to use the Moravian language. The situation changed at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The linguistic structure of the inhabitants of the former Jaroniów in 1880 was as follows: German was spoken by 291 people, and Moravian by 631 people. In 1910, out of 1,115 inhabitants, German was spoken by 469 people, Polish by 519 people, and Moravian by 127 people. The school and German educational policy contributed significantly to Germanization.
In 1845, there were 112 houses in the village, inhabited by 621 people. Of which 617 - Catholics and 4 Jews. In 1861 the number of inhabitants increases to 708 (694 - Catholics and 8 Jews).
It is known that in 1788 there was a primary school in the village attended by 60 children. In 1823, the villagers built a new one on the foundations of the old school at their own expense. The number of students in 1905 was 264. The function of school heads was performed in turn by: A. Klinke, F. Janosch, J. Thomczek, P. Thomczik, R. Osieka, and until 1873 the school inspectors were parish priests from Baborowo, and then a councilor sanitary - dr Proske, dr Schauschor.
In 1872 a sugar factory was built. This undertaking was the work of a joint-stock company of sugar beet growers, whose main originator and owner was W. Proske, a doctor and city councilor. In the same year, the first campaign was carried out, during which a fire broke out and partially incinerated the raw material. Another great fire of the sugar factory in 1876 destroyed the sugar warehouse.
In the years 1854-1856, the construction of a railway line on the Racibórz - Głubczyce route was started. Its opening took place on January 1, 1855. In 1898, the Kędzierzyn-Baborów line was launched, and in 1909 the Opawa-Pilszcz line was opened. The railway station was located in Jaroniów. In 1877, the hotel "Am Bahnhof" (Hotel at the Station) was built next to the railway station.
In the 1860s, Dr. W. Proske, a sanitary counselor, built a brickyard near the train station in Jaroniów, which, apart from bricks, produced pavement tiles and roof tiles. The poor and small-scale population of Jarońów found employment in the local sugar factory and brickyard.
Thanks to many years of efforts by the residents of Jarońowo, in 1889 a neo-Gothic chapel was built under the invocation of Heart of Jesus. On both sides of the main entrance, on a high pedestal, there are two late-baroque stone statues of St. John of Nepomuk (founded in 1766 by Jan Schopp) and St. Florian (founded in 1768 by the Mateusz Knopik foundation). Next to the chapel there is a marble cross founded by the patrimonial judge Wyschkoni and his wife. No Catholic services were held in this chapel. With the consent of the Baborów parish priest, it was loaned to local Protestants for religious purposes.
The growing number of residents and students resulted in the construction of a second school building. It was built in 1901 on the grounds of the headmaster's garden (the present kindergarten building at Opawska Street). The cost of building the new school was 23,000 marks. In the old school building (a demolished school building at Powstańców Street), the 2nd and 3rd grade and a flat for the second teacher were located. However, in the new school, a classroom and a flat were arranged for the head (first teacher) and the third teacher. The heads of the school in Jaroński were successively: A. Klinke (1823-1825), F. Janosch (1826-1843), J. Thomczek (1844-1872), P. Thomczik (1872-1913), R. Osieka from 1913. The school had its own land with an area of ​​1.31 ha.
Before the outbreak of World War I, Jaroniów was taken over by telephony. During World War I, 56 inhabitants died from Jaroniów. At the Chapel of the Heart of Jesus, local residents erected a monument to the fallen to commemorate their names. After the Second World War, St. the monument was destroyed. In the Upper Silesian plebiscite in 1921 736 people voted for Germany, and 14 for Poland.
   On April 1, 1928, the village of Jaroniów was incorporated into the town of Baborów, despite the protests and objections of its inhabitants. Jaroniów, due to its beautiful location and landscape, was called in German times "Jaroń's Switzerland". The village had kerosene lighting, a new road 1 km long (now Powstańców Street), a water supply system, and street pavements. Eleven priests were ordained priests from Jaroniów.

Opublikował(a): Andrzej Reja Data publikacji: 12-08-2021 14:45
Modyfikował(a): Andrzej Reja Data modyfikacji: 12-08-2021 14:46