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Gmina Baborów Herb Gmina Baborów

Description of the project in the city of Hradec nad Morawica ANG

Opening ceremony of the extended nature trail 24 September 2021

The cooperation between the town of Hradec nad Moravicí and the partner town of Baborów continues successfully in the implementation of the joint project entitled: "Parks and crafts of our ancestors in the Czech-Polish border area", No. CZ.11.2.45/0.0/0.0/16_013/0002416, for which a grant of EUR 61,764.71 was obtained from the INTERREG V-A Czech Republic - Poland Programme, Micro-project Fund 2014 -2020 in the Euroregion Silesia. The lead partner of the project is the Polish town of Boborów and the project partner is the town of Hradec nad Moravicí.

The total cost of the activities to be carried out on the Czech side is planned in the amount of EUR 56.551,76, the subsidy is EUR 30.000 and the cost of the activities to be carried out on the Polish side is planned in the amount of EUR 54.906,23, the subsidy is EUR 31.764,71.

The project on the Czech side involved the reconstruction of a non-functioning suspension footbridge over the Moravice River, which reconnected the original pedestrian road between the upper, scenic parts of the castle park and the lower parts of the park - the Jizardarna and Mariánské meadows in the Moravice River valley. The construction work was carried out by Ing. Kamil Turek from Třinec and the project documentation was prepared by the company STATIKA Olomouc, s.r.o., construction work on the reconstruction of this footbridge was already underway in 2020.

In 2021, the existing urban nature trail from 2009 was extended by 6 new stops, which are located on both sides of the Moravice River. The new signs provide information about local attractions of the castle park, the former castle gardening and traditional crafts that were practiced in the sub-castle during the 19th and 20th centuries, such as brewing, souk-making, papermaking and bridge building in the local Branec ironworks.

On the Polish side, the project has revitalised the town park in Baborów, where pedestrian routes have been improved and new furniture has been added to the park. In the newly landscaped city park there is an educational trail presenting the life and crafts of Baborówa in the past in an entertaining and educational way.

Opublikował(a): Andrzej Reja Data publikacji: 20-08-2021 13:17
Modyfikował(a): Andrzej Reja Data modyfikacji: 31-10-2023 10:39